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Audrey Catlin posted a condolence
Sunday, September 20, 2020
My deepest sympathies go to Pat's family and friends. She will be missed.
I have known Pat for many years, having worked with her at RG&E and traveled with her on occasion. One occasion was going to Gatlinburg Tenn with my sister and another friend. She let her hair down and had a great time. We had lots of laughs. And also shopped. Of course, Pat bought a lot of gifts for everyone back home. So many things she had to have some of them shipped. Pat was stubbornly independent but was always willing to help anyone. She and my mother had a few laughs together and I think she was as upset as the rest of the family when my mother passed. There is no doubt about her generosity and how much she valued her family. There will certainly be a void in their lives with her passing.
Cheryl Mazurkiewicz posted a condolence
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Pat was my best friend's Aunt. Any friend of Jen's was a friend of hers, without question. She was very a very supportive, generous person. She would find the time to attend every craft festival of my son's to support his craft and was always so kind and positive with us. I could see the shared passion for animals that both she and Jen had, creating a very special bond between the two. The Mazurkiewicz family sends our love to the Werners! Wishing we could give you a hug right now. She won't be forgotten!
Suzie Hanson posted a condolence
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Patty was an anchor for our large clan of Middlebrook cousins. She was always kind, quiet, sweet, humorous and generous. Some of the best times that I remember were at the Werner's house. Packed with aunts, uncles and cousins, they would roll up the living room rug, put the scratchy LP's on the record player and we would all dance. We cousins became very close, especially the girls. We got together several times a year and Patty was always there. I had the pleasure of sitting next to her on our last outing three weeks ago. We had so many laughs that
day and I cherish that last memory. Patty was all about others, never herself. She was our anchor.
I send my love to Tom and Gene and their families for the loss of their sister, whom they adored.
Suzie Hanson
Sue Taylor posted a condolence
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Pat was my neighbor for a very long time. I’d see her out walking her dog Daisy Mae. I also ran into her at Physical therapy. Her therapist said that Pat was one of her favorite patients and others there were sad to hear of her passing. I always enjoyed chatting with Pat.
Brenda Smullen9N posted a condolence
Saturday, September 19, 2020
My thoughts and prayers are with all of Pat's family. She was a wonderful friend that I was fortunate to have the past several years meeting through her cousin Sis. I'll always remember her wonderful laugh! She and Sis and Donnna and I had a lot of laughs together. Pat will surely be missed. Brenda Smullen.
The family of Patricia Ann Werner uploaded a photo
Saturday, September 19, 2020

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