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Tuesday, May 3, 2016
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Thomas Whitmore posted a condolence
Monday, November 26, 2012
Sadden by hearing the departure of "Bud'.. I had many enjoyable times hunting phesants with Bud along with my English Pointer dog and good old Uncle Sonny (Azel Ford) and at the end of the day or in some cases, every return trip up the field, drinking Buds home made wine and cider, then having to call in work kind of sick..actually under the weather. I have great memeories of stopping by both of Buds camps up on Ossian Hill several times and still able to find that Bud was still able to offer me more of his home made brews, chewing tobacco and share stories of hunting. Bud wasted nothing of any animal. why I remember the time he offered me a "smoked pickled something" .After chewing for a few seconds it was eveident I was munching on some animals tongue, as I could taste(feel) its own taste buds, little bumps. Turned out that tongue once belonged to a Moose. Everyone,e especially Bud and Sonny had a good laugh, maybe because I was the only brave one, or dumb one to try it. Jean had to be an angel to put up with these two characters, over the many years. Two of the best men I ever knew. I learned so much from Bud and Sonny about hunting and never, ever, in my life have been in better company. I have passed on to my son and granson what I learned from these two great men. They have both moved on now and when I'm in the woods I will think of them always, and when I get back at camp, I will look up at the sky and tip one back to say thanks. God Bless, Bud, and to the family, he will watch over you and smile and do his chuckle smile, so you know everything is ok. My sincere thoughts and prayers.Tom Whitmore
Gary Bagley posted a condolence
Monday, November 26, 2012
I have visited with Norm on Wednesdays for the last 4-5 years. Whether we were just going outside for some fresh air, people watching in the hallway or cafeteria, or buying DOTS in the gift shop, visiting with Norm was usually both fun and interesting. He would share stories with me of his RGE times, WWII, hunting, horses, or his cabin in Dansville. Must have been quite a character in his younger days. I will miss him lots.
Anne Bell posted a condolence
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
In reading the recent obituaries, I came across that of your loved one. I would like to express my deepest condolences to your family. I am sending this message to share some encouraging bible thoughts that can help at a time such as this. Only from the word of God can we find real comfort. In particular the scripture found at Revelation 21:4 which says, “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” Philippians 4:7 assures you that you can endure when, “the peace of God that excels all thought guard your hearts and mental powers.” I hope this verse help some. Please feel free to contact me.
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