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Obituary of Nancy M. Van Orden
“For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and tomelt into the sun?
And what is to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides,that it may rise
and expand and seek Godunencumbered?
Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin toclimb.
And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.”
--Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Nancy passed awaypeacefully in her apartment in Rochester NY. She is survived by her daughter,Kimberly, her brother Joe, sister Mary Ann, and sister Sally.
Nancy was an avidlifelong learner with a passion for reading nonfiction to expand her world, andfiction to entertain her mind. She enjoyed photography, especially capturingphotos of beautiful places, her daughter Kimberly’s face, and her “grandkitten” Mitsy’s snuggles. She loved music and singing along to her albums.
Nancy had anadventurous side: she was known to careen down hills on roller skates with hernieces and nephews, served in Vietnam (as a civilian), and would bodysurf inocean waves that would make many folks run to shore. She loved to “water walk” in the Gulf ofMexico despite warnings of sharks and icky jellyfish.
She had a greenthumb, growing flowers to make her gardens a sanctuary for her spirit, as herheart was broken by her husband’s death in 1987. Nancy loved her husband, Van,and was delighted to welcome their “baby girl” Kimberly into the world in 1979.Although illness sometimes made it hard for others to connect with her and herloving heart, Nancy loved her daughter with all her heart, mind, and soul. Shetaught Kimberly how to love the ocean and find it to be a place of play andpeace; she taught her to love writing as an expression of her passions andworldview; and she taught her the joy of music.
Nancy was loved byfriends and family. She loved her nieces and nephews and playing with themduring their childhoods. She was lucky, at the end of her life, to make twodear friends, Loretta and Chuck. She spent hours laughing with them over glassesof wine or cups of tea. These beautiful people brought joy into Nancy’s lastfew years.
Nancy will be buriedwith her beloved husband, Van, in Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, April 11, 2016 at 11:00 AM. She will be missed by her family, friends, and especially her daughter,Kimberly. She struggled for many yearsand now is resting in peace, in the arms of her husband, and looking down fromheaven to watch over her daughter, Kimbie.
Consider plantingflowers or a tree in honor of Nancy, or donating to The Sierra Club, as Nancyloved nature and beautiful places:
Visit Sierra Club Website
Rochester, New York
Rochester, New York
Consider planting flowers or a tree in honor of Nancy, or donating to The Sierra Club, as Nancy loved nature and beautiful places:
Visit Sierra Club Website