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Tuesday, May 3, 2016
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Joanne Peterson posted a condolence
Saturday, April 30, 2016
I was so sorry to hear about the passing of our dear friend Bill Larsen. He was a superb human being. He gentle humble manner. Always seeing the overall picture. He was a visionary beyond his time. I met Bill about 30 years ago. When I went to work with the catholic as a community organizer in the Dominican Republic. Since I have been here, Bill has helped us in four parishes with suitcases filled with eyeglasses for the poor, helped to improve our methods of purifying drinking water to eliminate contaminants. Recently this January, Bill sponsored a volunteer from Rochester, Petra, to come to El Cercado to teach our farmers how to grow and save organic seeds that are not available in the Dominican Republic, that will eventually save the farmers lots of money. Bill offered his talents, time and economic donations for bettering the lives of many poor people in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. He will be missed by all. But we know that Bill is in a better place now, and that he will continue to accompany with ideas and guidance. Blessings of peace for Bill and his family.
Lionel Michael posted a condolence
Saturday, April 30, 2016
And the Environment
Central Board of Health
All Saint’s Road
Tel: (268) 462-2936
Fax: (268) 460-5992
E-mail Address:
29th April, 2016
I am deeply saddened by the loss of Mr. Larsen. It’s a special honour to pay my tribute to an outstanding citizen. He was an extraordinary character.
He was an outstanding citizen of the world
He gave unstintingly of his service to Rochester New York, Antigua & Barbuda and Haiti. He also worked and contributed to other Caribbean Islands – St. Vincent & the Grenadines.
He was the epitome of integrity and honesty.
Larsen exhibited outstanding and profound human qualities. You are a person who always radiates warmth and humor towards other people.
He was efficient , industrious and saw opportunity where the rest of us saw problems and always strive to bring solutions to these problems,
He had a scarce ability to make complex things simple to understand
He proved through his own life that charity and fairness are not beyond the ability for humanity to achieve.
I have known Mr. Larsen for some thirty-two years (32). He gave me his friendship as an unselfish gift. Since then we have been able to maintain an extensive exchange of ideas regarding Environmental Health/Public Health and Sanitation and numerous Public Policy topics.
You have unselfishly influenced and enriched my professional and scientific life, without your many positive guidance and leadership, Sanitation, Waste Water Management and Environmental Health would not have improved in Antigua & Barbuda.
Today we say thanks to an outstanding individual of the world.
Farewell my dear friend, farewell.
Lionel Michael
Chief Health Inspector
Antigua and Barbuda
Alison T; Clarke posted a condolence
Monday, April 25, 2016
As I remember Bill connected with the Rochester Peace and Justice Education Center for which I was a Co-coordinator, in the early eighties having met members at a DC event around the B-1 Bomber! He was a "worker-bee" not liking meetings without action! At the time my only transportation was a bike and when that was stolen he found me another 2nd hand one, As Pres. of the Rochester Assn. of the UN he brought in key speakers, doing the mailings from our office and paying the speakers mostly himself. Fast forward I saw an article that Bill was collecting eyeglasses for Nicaragua and we joined him taking many to the Dominican Republic on the border of Haiti where our friend Joanne Peterson has been working for over 35 year helping build communities to take charge of their agriculture, water issues, health and nutrition. Most recently he supported Petra Page Mann from Fruition Seeds to go there and teach farmers the art of seed saving , avoiding having to purchase gentically modified seeds. He visited Fruition Seeds with me in Naples at the end of 2015 and that project has blossomed from Bill's "seeding" as has happened with so many other systemic programs. The tears flow with gratitude for this amazing, human being.
Shawn E Lessord posted a condolence
Monday, April 25, 2016
To a great man who helped many people, and walked a path of environmental engineering, and who was way ahead of him time. His wonderful ways will live on.
Jan, be at peace knowing all the good that Bill did for so many people. His accomplishments will forever be in the minds of all the people he helped.
Sarah A Brownell posted a condolence
Monday, April 18, 2016
Bill was my mentor and friend, my true kindred spirit. He never was actually my teacher, but he taught me all my practical engineering (and some non-engineering) knowledge including mixing concrete, making molds, testing water samples, surveying, composting in windrows, etc. etc. He inspired me to go to grad school in environmental engineering. When I thought I couldn't possibly do something--like cap a spring in rural Haiti--he would tell me: "Well, you are the only one who showed up!" and take me through the processes over the crackly phone connection. He was a great supporter of women's education especially for those of us in engineering and took extra time to mentor us. Since 2013 he has been supporting three Haitian women on scholarship to finish high school in Borgne, Haiti--one need based full scholarship and two merit based half scholarships in honor of his wife Dotte and Paula Smith. He filled my mailbox daily with envelopes containing news articles cut out of the NY Times or Biocycle magazine. He was one of the first people to prove that UV disinfection would be a good water treatment method for the developing world when paired with solar panels. He let me be part of that experiment when I was just a kid. Last time I saw him, he dreamed of solar lights twinkling across the hills of Haiti instead of dangerous kerosene lights and candles. He helped plant lots of trees in Haiti and the DR and supported peasant farmers with farm tools every May Day. This May 1st the farmer's group KGPB will plant a fruit tree in his honor so that "he many continue to give to many for generations". The Fondation Dauphin children's education program in Borgne is hanging his portrait on the wall. Bill and I have worked on many, many successful (and some unsuccessful) projects together. He truly lived a great and full life! All I can say is, I will do my best to carry this work on in his name. And instead of a candle, I will light a solar lantern for him!
Jane C Frankel posted a condolence
Monday, April 18, 2016
Wonderful man - very accomplished and he lived a GOOD life, I know. He was loved - and he will be missed. With deepest and sincerest condolences to the entire Larsen family.
Janine & Dave Rowe posted a condolence
Monday, April 18, 2016
Our sincere condolences to the Larsen family during this sad time.
Paula L Smith posted a condolence
Monday, April 18, 2016
Bill was a gifted teacher, mentor and engineer which, doesn’t begin to describe the extraordinary person he was. Beyond his years as an admired educator at RIT, many, many other engineers, municipal officials, DPW commissioners and highway superintendents can tell you how influential Bill Larsen was in this area. As a technician in the early 80’s I realized that getting planning board approval for land development in almost every town around for miles required going through Larsen Engineers. Many towns and villages in our area benefitted from detailed Larsen Engineered drainage studies done before computers – using hundreds of by-hand calculations. Anyone working for these towns will tell you those drainage reports are their bibles still today.
Bill came out to Letchworth late last summer and we spent the day together. After hiking around on several construction sites, he reluctantly stopped for lunch with me – preferring though to keep moving to see all he could see. At one of our sites, it didn’t surprise me when he had an insight to rectify a problem that no other engineer had thought of…he always seemed to see the big picture and because of that, he commonly could render a simple, economical solution. He both thought and acted globally and locally to make our world a better place to live. The true definition of a civil engineer...
I am so thankful I knew him.
David Kilborn posted a condolence
Sunday, April 17, 2016
When we first moved to Pittsford, the Larsens became some of our family's first and best friends.
I remember Mr Larsen as a decent gracious man committed to principal. I was happy to work in a minor role in his first bid for Congress. I have wonderful recollections of the entire family, with Jan being my classmate and childhood friend.
God bless the family in this time of sadness and grief over the loss of a good man.
T Houston posted a condolence
Sunday, April 17, 2016
I knew Mr Larson decades ago. A kind and gentle person .
Chris and Bob Easton posted a condolence
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Bill was a superb humanitarian. He will be missed by all who knew him and by many who benefited from his generosity but never had the good fortune to meet him. RIP Bill.
Jim R Liberty posted a condolence
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Bill helped shape my early career in land development. We were on opposite sides of the business, but there was never an issue, or bad word between us. A finer professional, and gentleman has not, or does not exist. Jim Liberty
Service Info
Friends and acquaintances are invited to an informal Service of Remembrance on Saturday April 30 at 1 p.m. in the Interfaith Chapel of Miller Funeral & Cremation Services, Inc. (3325 Winton Rd. South) during which the sharing of personal memories is welcome.
At the convenience of the family a private family burial service will be held at the White Haven Memorial Park.