Monday, August 22, 2011
I believe Katie was at RPH about 4 years or so. When I met her, she would stay to herself (in her room), but I had several opportunties to talk with her either when giving her personal care or bringing her breakfast or other meals. Yes, she was a challange at times, but I enjoyed her. She probably didn't realize she made some funny statements. I loved listening to her stories. She certainly wasn't afraid to speak her mind. About two years or so ago, I (along with her good friend Brian) took her to the hospital to have a mole, that was cancerious, removed from her lip. It was quite an experience, as we could not get her to go the first time. We had to cancel and start again the next morning. After finally getting her to the hospital for the procedure, she regaled the nurses & doctors with her funny statements. It was a day I won't forget. Changes came about, as usually, including her coming out to be amoug the other residents. The day before she passed away, we had a special breakfast for all the residents on the 4th floor, and we got a couple of great pictures of her enjoying her breakfast meal.